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Chip in today to keep Wisconsin and the Senate Blue

Tammy Baldwin is locked in one of the closest Senate races in the nation. The latest polls show this race statistically TIED, and RealClearPolitics just downgraded our race from “Leans Dem” to a "Toss Up." In an election this important, make no mistake: if we lose this seat, we lose the Senate. Chip in to Tammy’s campaign today to help her fight back and protect this seat:

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On the Issues

Where Tammy Stands On the Issues

Tammy has made building a Made in Wisconsin manufacturing economy a top priority.

Tammy has worked across party lines to do right by our veterans and make sure they have the care, good paying jobs, and community support that they have earned and deserve.

Tammy took on Big Pharma to do right by Wisconsinites, who should never be forced to choose between groceries and medicine.

When some in Washington pushed partisan repeal efforts that would have removed these protections and ripped health care away from millions of Americans, Tammy stood up and led the fight to protect our health care.

Tammy is a staunch advocate for womens’ freedoms and will continue to fight until every Wisconsinite can make their own health care decisions without the government getting involved.

Voting rights are the foundation of America’s democracy and our nation works best when all voices can be heard.

Tammy is working across party lines to protect our troops, support our first responders, and keep Wisconsin safe from threats both at home and abroad.

Tammy is working to make sure that every Wisconsinite feels safe in their community.

Tammy is putting Wisconsin first and standing up to big corporations and powerful special interests who want Washington to keep working for them.

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