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Chip in today to keep Wisconsin and the Senate Blue

Tammy Baldwin is locked in one of the closest Senate races in the nation. The latest polls show this race statistically TIED, and RealClearPolitics just downgraded our race from “Leans Dem” to a "Toss Up." In an election this important, make no mistake: if we lose this seat, we lose the Senate. Chip in to Tammy’s campaign today to help her fight back and protect this seat:

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On the Issues

Protecting our National Security

Protecting our National Security

In these tumultuous times, Tammy is working across party lines to protect our troops, support our first responders, and keep Wisconsin safe from threats both at home and abroad.

Securing the Border

Tammy knows America’s immigration system is broken and we need to work together in Congress to fix it. Tammy is pushing to address the root causes of migration from Central America and responsibly manage and secure the border with smart investments. Tammy has visited the southern border herself to talk to our Customs & Border Patrol agents about what they need to keep our communities safe from illegal drugs like fentanyl that cross the border.

Supporting Our Troops Overseas

Tammy was a leading voice against starting the Iraq War, which led to thousands of American servicemembers losing their lives and will end up costing American taxpayers more than $2 trillion, on top of causing the drastic regional destabilization that fueled the growth of terrorist groups like ISIS.

With our troops and our military families making incredible sacrifices, Tammy has joined bipartisan efforts to make sure Congress gives our servicemembers the fair pay and benefits they deserve. In addition to much-needed pay raises for our troops, Tammy has made sure our government invests in innovative security and safety equipment for our military, protects servicemembers and their families from financial scams, and constructs new facilities at Wisconsin’s Fort McCoy Army base. When veterans returned from Iraq and Afghanistan with severe illnesses caused by exposure to toxic burn pits, Tammy helped pass the PACT Act, extending VA health care services and benefits to servicemembers impacted by those exposures.

Protecting Our Military with Made In Wisconsin Equipment

As our military defends America, Tammy has helped make sure they are protected with high-quality equipment that is American-made, including right here in Wisconsin. Tammy has pushed Senate and House Leaders to join her in saving crucial Buy American rules that require the federal government to use our taxpayer dollars on American-made products for our troops.