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Tammy Baldwin is locked in one of the closest Senate races in the nation — polls show she is TIED with her GOP opponent, and his own internal polling even shows him in the lead. With the general election officially underway, we’re counting on grassroots supporters (like you!) to stand with Tammy and help her win this critical battleground race. Chip in to Tammy’s campaign today:

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On the Issues

Keeping our Neighborhoods Safe

Keeping our Neighborhoods Safe

Tammy is working to make sure that every Wisconsinite feels safe in their community. That means investing in public safety and law enforcement and stepping up efforts to keep dangerous drugs like fentanyl out of our neighborhoods and schools.

Tammy supports funding the police. As senator, she has been proud to bring home tens of millions of dollars for police departments across Wisconsin, such as the funding she recently secured for a new Prairie du Chien Public Safety Center that will house the Prairie du Chien Police Department, Prairie du Chien Fire Department, and local EMS.

Tammy voted to pass the American Rescue Plan which helped Wisconsin invest nearly $100 million in public safety and crime control, including $19 million directly for law enforcement so they have the tools and resources they need to combat the opioid epidemic, protect our neighborhoods and keep Wisconsinites safe. She has also helped secure funding for the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Hiring Program, increased funding for the federal Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP) program, and authored the Public Safety Employer Employee Cooperation Act, which would give police officers a stronger voice to improve working conditions and get the resources they need to most effectively serve the public.

To counter the flow of illegal drugs into Wisconsin, Tammy helped pass bipartisan legislation to increase funding for local prevention programs, prevent the flow of fentanyl into America and enhance enforcement programs, including the Drug Free Communities program, the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) program, the Drug Courts program, and the COPS Anti-Methamphetamine and Anti-Heroin programs.

At the same time, Tammy is committed to reforming our police departments by improving police training and practices and ensuring transparency and accountability. Tammy supports the Justice in Policing Act and will continue to work to pass it into law.