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Chip in today to keep Wisconsin and the Senate Blue

Tammy Baldwin is locked in one of the closest Senate races in the nation. The latest polls show this race statistically TIED, and RealClearPolitics just downgraded our race from “Leans Dem” to a "Toss Up." In an election this important, make no mistake: if we lose this seat, we lose the Senate. Chip in to Tammy’s campaign today to help her fight back and protect this seat:

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On the Issues

Defending Our Great Lakes and Clean Water

Defending Our Great Lakes and Clean Water

From the shores of Lakes Michigan and Superior to the banks of the St. Croix and the Mississippi — and our thousands of inland lakes, rivers, and streams in between — clean water is central to our Wisconsin way of life. That’s why Tammy has worked across party lines to do right by Wisconsin by protecting our Great Lakes, holding polluters accountable, and improving drinking water quality across the state.

Ensuring Every Community Has Access to Clean Water

Tammy is dedicated to addressing the contaminants and forever chemicals such as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) that have appeared in far too many communities’ water systems. She has brought home tens of millions to help communities on the frontlines of the PFAS contamination reduce PFAS in drinking water and conduct testing to ensure their water is safe to drink.

Stopping Invasive Asian Carp

As a member of the bipartisan Senate Great Lakes Task Force, Tammy knows how important it is to protect our water from invasive species. We’ve seen that Asian carp are closing in on Lake Michigan, threatening our environment and our Great Lakes economy. Tammy has taken action to stop this invasion of our Great Lakes. Tammy also stepped up and pushed Washington to act on aggressive barriers to stop the spread of Asian carp and eradicate the species from our waterways.

Great Lakes Restoration and Resilience

Tammy is a leading defender of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI), which helps Wisconsin communities clean up contaminated industrial sites, protect fragile Great Lakes habitats, combat invasive species, and improve water quality for the millions of Americans who get their drinking water from our Great Lakes. When President Trump proposed cutting GLRI funding by 97%, Tammy got to work and forged an agreement between Republicans and Democrats to save our Great Lakes restoration efforts.

Tammy helped pass the Inflation Reduction Act, which includes funding for coastal resiliency and conservation efforts Now, Tammy is working to ensure the Great Lakes region gets our fair share of that money to build up our infrastructure and adapt to the changing climate.