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Press Releases

WI AFL-CIO Endorses Tammy Baldwin for U.S. Senate, Highlights Big Wins for Wisconsin Workers

WI AFL-CIO Endorses Tammy Baldwin for U.S. Senate, Highlights Big Wins for Wisconsin Workers

Yesterday, the Wisconsin AFL-CIO endorsed Tammy Baldwin for her 2024 U.S. Senate run during an event highlighting Tammy’s work to bring more good paying, Made in America jobs to Wisconsin.

Addressing the crowd of labor leadership and members, Tammy talked about some of the big fights she and the Wisconsin AFL-CIO have taken on and won. 

“Wisconsin workers are the backbone of our state and I’m laser focused on delivering them good paying Made in Wisconsin jobs,” said Tammy Baldwin. “I’m honored to receive the Wisconsin AFL-CIO’s endorsement and proud to stand with them as we fight for more jobs, higher wages, and better benefits for all of our workers.”

“Tammy knows that the true strength of our American economy lies in the security and well-being of our workers,” said Wisconsin AFL-CIO President, Stephanie Bloomingdale. “She understands and supports the role unions play in promoting that security. Senator Baldwin is a tireless champion of working people in Wisconsin. At each and every opportunity, Tammy Baldwin has stood up and spoken out to protect and promote a made-in-Wisconsin, made-in-America economy. She understands the undeniable connection between good jobs for our families and strong communities for our state.”

Tammy will always work hard to do right by Wisconsin workers, because she knows that our workers are some of the best in the world. That’s why she’s stood up for organized labor, brought Made in America jobs right here to Wisconsin, fought for affordable health care for all, and pushed for middle class tax cuts. Right now, Tammy is working hard to strengthen our unions and close the skills gap to prepare the next generation of Wisconsin workers.

Tammy is honored to receive the Wisconsin AFL-CIO’s support and promises to keep delivering for Wisconsin workers.